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Journey into a vibrant universe where imagination reigns supreme. The Tribe of Creativity is not merely a token but an invitation to a boundless world of innovation and artistry. By obtaining an NFT from this tribe, you’re not just securing access to elite courses; you’re embarking on a quest to ignite the creative spark that lies dormant within.

Explore a landscape painted with the dreams and ideas of countless artists, innovators, and dreamers who’ve come before you. From the surreal visions of historic painters to the disruptive ideas of modern-day creators, the Tribe of Creativity is your key to a gallery of inspiration that knows no bounds.

Step into the Tribe of Creativity, where every moment is a brushstroke on the canvas of your crypto journey. Grab your NFT and immerse yourself in a world where artistic brilliance meets cutting-edge enterprise strategies. Unleash your inner genius, learn from the past, and craft the future with unparalleled creativity. Welcome to the Tribe of Creativity.

Standard NFT

Includes a minimum of 6 airdrops and a maximum of 11 over the next 5 years, in addition to the educational membership area.

Premium NFT

Includes a minimum of 12 airdrops and a maximum of 20 over the next 5 years, in addition to the educational membership area.

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